Welcome to Marden Theatre Group

The Marden Theatre Group (MTG) is a group of local people with a shared passion for amateur dramatics and theatre production. With a long history of comedies, musicals, youth theatre, popular pantomimes, variety shows, modern plays and Shakespearean performances, MTG has always managed to entertain the community of the Wealden village of Marden and its surrounding areas.

Everyone will get a chance to shine and all are encouraged to audition for our productions. Our members are a mix of those who joined as children and continue – years and sometimes decades later – to be a part of the group and new recruits, many of whom have never (or not in many years) been on stage. We are known for our friendliness and inclusivity and value the ideas and contributions of all our members and volunteers.

It is not all about being on stage though. For every actor there’s someone else behind the scenes: directors, producers, production assistants, stage managers, props managers and sourcers, musical directors, musicians, wardrobe, hair and make up, choreographers, set designers, set builders, set painters, lighting, sound, sound effects, spotlight operators, prompts, backstage crew, curtain openers (and closers), tea makers, parents, motivators, programme sellers, publicity spreaders, front of house staff … and many, many more. There really is something for everyone to be involved in and we are always looking to welcome new people to the group.

We aim to put on two shows a year, generally during the February half term and the Summer Holidays at Marden Memorial Hall, Goudhurst Road, Marden.